Military Monday - Charles Haase's Civil War army discharge

Thanks to cousin Milton for this document. A transcription of the document text is:

Know that Charles Haase a Private of Capt Barent Frazer Jr Company H 33rd Regiment of New Jersey Volunteers who was enrolled on the 22 day of September one thousand eight hundred and Sixty Four to serve One year during the war is hereby DISCHARGED from the service of the United States this First day of June 1865, at Bladensburg, MD In compliance with General Order No 77, War Dept. C.S. No objection to his being reenlisted is known to exist.
Said Charles Haase was born in Germany in the state of ____, is 25 years of age 5 feet 7 inches high, dark complexion, Blue eyes Light hair and his occupation when he enrolled, a Hatter.
Given at BLADENSBURG, MD 1865
Capt R. H. Wilbur
Captain of the 102nd Regiment, NY Volunteers