From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Nov. 15, 1903
Peter Berg Dead
(special to the Eagle)
Hempstead, L.I., November 14 - Peter Berg, one of the oldest men in this section of Long Island, died at his home at East Meadowbrook this morning after a lingering illness. He was nearly 80 years of age and resided on Long Island for almost fifty years, and the wonderful changes that have taken place during that period were always a great source of wonderment to the old man. He came to this country directly from Germany when a young man, and was one of the first settlers of East Meadowbrook, which was then practically a wilderness. He was one of the largest raisers of pickles on Long Island and also farmed on an extensive scale and accumulated quite a fortune. No arrangements have been yet made for his funeral. He leaves three sons, Theodore, Peter Jr., and Thomas.
There are a few mistakes in there (mainly that he came from Germany, since he was actually born in Denmark), but Peter Berg was my 3rd great-grandfather, and his son Theodore was my great great grandfather.