History Repeating
The quote that is the title of this blog post is often attributed to Spanish philosopher George Santayana. We all know it. Historians live by it. I rarely (never) wade into political debates, and offer no thoughts either way on the article below, but I was researching a client’s family tree and came across this article, that has nothing to do with said client’s family, from the January 13, 1901 Albany Argus.
“No Bacteria in This Vaccine”
The article subheadings read:
Process By Which Lymph Used in Albany is Obtained
Health Officer on Vaccination
Unnecessary Fear of this Simple Preventative of Smallpox—Statistics of the Sheffield Epidemic—Rules to be Followed
I won’t go into the details but suggest you read the story. Whatever your thoughts on the current vaccine debate and pandemic, it’s interesting (and yes, disheartening) to see the same news stories about disease, science, and medicine that we see in the media today in a newspaper from 120 years ago.
I wonder what news coverage the year 2141 will bring…
From the Albany Argus January 20, 1901
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